You are currently viewing Borknagar müssen ihren Auftritt absagen

🇨🇭 Corona schlägt wieder zu: BORKNAGAR müssen ihren Auftritt leider ebenfalls absagen. Anbei findet ihr das Statement der Band.

🇬🇧 Corona strikes again: BORKNAGAR unfortunately have to cancel their appearance as well. You’ll find the statement of the band below.

We are deeply sorry to announce that we are forced to cancel our show at the Meh Suff Winter- Festival in Zurich, Switzerland this upcoming Saturday (08.01.22).
As a band we have done everything in our power to make this show happen. But due to heavy traveling restrictions, sky-rocketing covid outbreaks and a crumbling PCR- test regime here in Norway, we are forced to face the grave reality of the situation we are in. Unfortunately, there is no way around- this time either.
Please stay safe, take care and be responsible towards your fellow human beings.